This blog is written by Alice Louise Fletcher

Monday 17 December 2012

Feeling down.

Feeling down for a prolonged amount of time or even at all, for whatever reason is rubbish. I sympathise with anyone who's suffering with these feelings, or just suffering in general and because of this I thought I'd try and write a few things down that are important to remember when perhaps the bigger picture cannot be seen. As well as this I've been overlooking the positives recently so hopefully this will install some kind of inspiration within me me to understand there is something beyond the way I feel at the moment. Before I write these it's important, I feel, to mention that I know it isn't possible to completely eradicate all of these feelings, because we all have to cope with them, but I think it would be helpful to at least attempt to limit them a little.

  1. Love yourself, even if no one else loves you. - Undoubtedly there will always be someone, if only one person, out there who loves you but it's important for you to love yourself. You have to live with yourself for the entirety of your life so I feel it's advisable to trust yourself, to acknowledge you will make faults but ultimately to believe that you are capable to achieve. I lack in this department greatly, I must say, and although self loathing cannot be completely avoided, try not to let it take over. It is not vain to love yourself, people should have confidence in themselves and of course maybe this shouldn't take over everything because others matter as well, but first and foremost you cannot help others unless you help yourself.
  2. Surround yourself with positive people or if all else fails make the best of situations- Friends affect the way you see yourself and the way you view your life so it's important to surround yourself with people who will support you and care about you whatever happens. It's difficult to know after in first impressions what a person is really like but I would say if someone makes you happy then you should pursue a friendship with them. Do not take people too seriously, everyone makes mistakes, but don't let others walk all over you either. There are always chances to make new friends and to meet new people, remember that.
  3. Aspirations- What do you want to achieve? If you don't know, don't worry, the only thing holding you back is yourself and this isn't necessarily a bad thing, you will know when you are ready and there isn't any rush. This knowledge of time we have, and running out of time is a constant source of anxiety but wouldn't you rather take time to make sure you achieve properly instead of rushing things and turning these aspirations into some sort of imminent responsibilities?
  4. Talk to someone- If you are suffering, seek help, don't suffer in silence or feel that you are attention seeking by telling others, you and your feelings matter. People can help, it may not seem like it but through seeking help it is possible to look at situations from a different angle and to help others along the way.
  5. Don't over think- You cannot please everyone, you will not always please yourself either, but you shouldn't expect yourself too either. Situations may result in complications but attempt to solve them as best you can and you cannot hope to do any more than that. Not everyone can be self assured, but if you are assured that you were true to your own opinions then I believe that is for the best.
  6. You are good at something- Everyone is good at something, everyone. People who bring you down and insult you do not determine who you are, they only show their true character through their actions. Jealousy can be an awful thing, god don't I know it as I am such a jealous person, but instead of being jealous try to feel inspired instead. Pursue activities that you are interested in, even if you do not excel at them this does not mean you shouldn't try, and you have as much right as anyone to enjoy yourself.
  7. Don't shut yourself away from the people you care about and people who care about you- For me this links to family as I do tend to lock myself a way and tend not to make an effort to socialise with my family, preferring to be on my own. This does not mean you should never be on your own but remember, your family probably worry about you, they love you and you obviously love them too, it is important to cherish every moment you have with them despite disagreements. If you do not get on with your family, perhaps seek some help outside of the family unit through a gp or counsellor or even a friend to resolve any issues and to provide a form of reassurance.
  8. Do what makes you happy- Again, you cannot please everyone, so don't change to appease people, remain true to yourself, if you don't know who you are or who you want to be, don't worry, I doubt most people do. Keep busy with activities that will benefit you, that you enjoy and want to do for yourself. This does not mean that you cannot help others or do what others want to do because I think that is a lovely thing to do for someone and will make you happy to see someone else enjoying themselves but it is important you enjoy yourself as well.
  9. Think of others, there is always someone worse off than you- This probably seems quite patronising, but it isn't meant in that way at all. In the world that we inhabit there is so much unjustified suffering, so much deprivation and pain but despite that I hope there is a way through for everyone. If you perhaps think of others and how much they must be going through it may make the situation you are coping with seem a little less overpowering, or at least give a new perspective. It is easy, however, to become  overwhelmed by how there are so many people with problems and how it is not possible to resolve every one of them, but helping those around you when you have the means to do so will go such a long way to making them and yourself happy. 
  10. You are not alone- Others are going through similar things, you are not completely alone in the way you feel and you never will be. 
  11. Don't dwell on bad decisions and actions- What is done, is done, that past cannot be changed.
  12. Treat others as you would want to be treated yourself- If you treat others kindly and with respect, you will find that they will mostly reciprocate, if they don't though, don't waste your time with them, but remember people have their own issues and this may cause them to be unjustly rude to you without them meaning to. Try not to take this too seriously, but don't be afraid to stand up for yourself if you feel it is necessary.
  13. Don't be a perfectionist!- You wont be perfect, ever. No one will. Just do your best and this will suffice, or if you don't want to pursue something, then don't, it's up to you, not any one else.
  14. Feeling weighed down by responsibilities- Mainly referring to work and school, most people have to deal with these issues and instead of dwelling on the unfairness of it all take time to acknowledge how lucky you are to have an education, and how it wont last forever. If you do not enjoy your work, find a new situation, do not be afraid to step away when it all becomes too much and don't push yourself too far. 
I think that's all for now.