This blog is written by Alice Louise Fletcher

Sunday 18 November 2012

So, where do I begin?

This is always the part about beginning blogs that I find really difficult: The introduction; Where I hope to sum up everything I'd like to achieve with this blog, maybe also describe myself, interests, bla, bla, you know the usual. (note, bla is an "ingenious" method to hide the fact that I could not think of anything to put). 

Hm, well in all seriousness I don't know where I want this blog to lead to. Actually I don't even know what I'm going to write about, other than that which interests me, I can hardly go wrong there. Here's hoping. Also I need a place to be positive, to have aspirations and a goal, as recently I am really lacking in any positivity. I really think having a blog where I can express myself and build upon my knowledge and opinions will go a long way in helping to restore that said positivity. 

As for describing myself:  My name is Alice Louise Fletcher, I am unsure of absolutely everything, inspired by the Bronte's probably every day of my life, obsessed with them also, hoping to become a writer, and well... there's more but I think that'll do nicely for now.

Everyone needs a fat hand, decisive look picture on their first blog post.


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